Jewelry has gone through many design eras. From Victorian to Mid-Century jewelry, learn about them all from the experts at Noe’s Jewelry in Raymore, MO!
When you hear people talk about diamond clarity, they are talking about any imperfections that the diamond may have on the surface or inside of the stone.
The second article in our four-part series about the 4 C’s of diamonds is focused on the term “cut.” The cut of a diamond has everything to do with the appearance of the diamond.
In this series of articles, we will discuss each of the 4 C’s to help you better understand diamond buying. The first part of this series will cover one of the most misunderstood C’s: Carat.
There is a myth surrounding diamonds; they aren’t indestructible. While diamonds are often described as being the hardest natural material on the planet, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t be scratched, chipped, or broken.
Chocolate, flowers, and jewelry are some of the most common gifts given each Valentine’s Day, and jewelry tends to be the biggest seller for this romantic holiday.
One of the biggest trends in jewelry right now is gemstone engagement rings, but classic engagement rings will forever be the favorite among many women.
Anniversaries are significant—they memorialize something significant, something personal, something we enjoy remembering each and every year. That's why people love to celebrate anniversaries! Marking a special day with a celebration or a token of affection is a wonderful and common way to commemorate the most important events in our lives.