You probably know your Zodiac sign, and you probably know your birthstone, but do you know your Zodiac birthstone? Yes, it’s a real thing, and it can tell you a lot about yourself! It can also help enhance your sign’s positive qualities while balancing out some of the negative ones.
Your Zodiac stone may align with your regular birthstone, or it may be different. Either way, the stone will be full of benefits that are especially suited to someone of your sign. Read on to find out more about your Zodiac birthstone!
Aries Birthstone
Taurus Birthstone
Gemini Birthstone
Cancer Birthstone
Leo Birthstone
Virgo Birthstone
Libra Birthstone
Scorpio Birthstone
Sagittarius Birthstone
Capricorn Birthstone
Aquarius Birthstone
Pisces Birthstone

Aries Birthstone
If you had to sum up an Aries in one word, you might choose intense. Aries are known to be tough, competitive and industrious. They find their talents and latch onto them at an early age, and many Aries’ seem to have a special gift for the arts. These natural leaders are charismatic community leaders and entertainers. An Aries has a can-do attitude and a seemingly bottomless well of energy. They are fiery, vivacious, no-nonsense individuals.

Aries folks are honest to a fault. Their bluntness may come across as rude to those who don’t know them. Their assertiveness is admirable, but others may interpret their drive as aggressive. Aries individuals don’t always handle setbacks well. In the heat of a difficult moment, an Aries may struggle to view things clearly and instead react with emotion. That sort of impulsive behavior can come back to haunt them.
Aries’ Zodiac birthstone is the diamond. Iconic, radiant and strong, the diamond matches an Aries intensity and then some. These gemstones are hardy but beautiful, representing the balance between Aries’ powerful personas and artistic abilities. Diamonds are said to bring clarity to the wearer. That’s certainly a welcome benefit for hot-headed Aries. Diamonds may also enhance an Aries’ enviable courage and resilience.
Taurus Birthstone
The best way to understand a Taurus is by taking a look at their symbol: the bull. Dependable, diligent and stubborn, Tauruses love their routines. They are perfectly happy staying home and enjoying life’s simple pleasures while their friends go out. Patient Tauruses know the value of steady work and apply to every facet of their lives, from their relationships to their careers. As loyal friends, partners and coworkers, Tauruses are a joy to have around. They are steadfast in their beliefs and greatly value stability.

On the other hand, a Taurus may become too comfortable with the status quo. They’ll stay in a groove until it becomes a rut, ignoring suggestions and critiques that could improve their lives. This can lead to complacency, and even laziness, if a Taurus isn’t careful. And when a Taurus finds something they like, they stick with it. That can be great when it’s a positive habit, but destructive when it’s a bad one.
Emerald is the Taurus’ Zodiac birthstone. Said to promote wisdom, emerald can help a Taurus see the truth beyond their own stubbornness. Long associated with springtime and greenery, the emerald also symbolizes new beginnings. This can inspire a Taurus to move on when they become too stuck in their ways.
Gemini Birthstone
Geminis are symbolized by the celestial twins, but you could just as easily call them the cats of the Zodiac. Playful, quick-witted and eternally curious, Geminis have a unique ability to tune into the vibe of any room and adapt accordingly. They are skilled socializers, easily charming their way through the world around them, and they tend to have large social circles. But Geminis don’t just seek companionship, they’re also on a never-ending quest for knowledge. They love to learn about anything and everything, and they’re always seeking explanations for why the world is the way it is.

Despite their many wonderful traits, Geminis have their weaknesses just like anybody else. They are afraid of being alone, which can prevent them from truly getting to know themselves. Their constant quest for new knowledge, new friends and new experiences makes it hard for a Gemini to fully enjoy each moment as it comes. It can also make it tough for a Gemini to take stock of their current position in life and decide if it is what they truly want.
Gemini’s Zodiac birthstone is the pearl. Like Geminis, pearls are a bit unusual: they are the only precious stone that is created by a living creature. And like Geminis, pearls have a classic and undeniable charm. Long tied to innocence and purity, pearls inspire a Gemini to stop and look at the world in wide-eyed wonder and soak up the beauty of the present moment.
Cancer Birthstone
Like the crab that symbolizes them, Cancers carry a protective shell. These guarded individuals may seem aloof at first, but get to know a Cancer and you’ll find a warm, gentle and sensitive person. These water signs have the emotional depth of an ocean and are known for their nurturing, almost maternal qualities. Though they may enjoy a vacation from time to time, Cancers are homebodies. Nothing makes a Cancer happier than an evening in their happy place, surrounded by loved ones.

Cancers tend to get caught up in other people’s sorrows. True empaths, they’ll suffer when their loved ones suffer, and they tend towards codependency. Though Cancers are attuned to everyone’s emotions, they often struggle to express their own feelings. It can be hard to break through Cancer’s barriers and get them to open up. They may fear that their vulnerabilities will be used against them.
Ruby is the Zodiac birthstone for thoughtful, sensitive Cancers. Symbols of passion, rubies complement a Cancer’s deep and powerful feelings, while their balancing properties can help keep emotions under control when things get too intense. Also associated with courage, rubies can give Cancers the confidence boost they need to step outside of their comfort zones, and to speak openly about their own inner worlds.
Leo Birthstone
The lions of the Zodiac, Leos are not afraid to be bold. These eccentric individuals are natural performers and artistic visionaries. Leos thrive on praise–not just for themselves, but for others. They don’t hesitate to give a compliment, and you should feel honored when you get one, because Leos hold everyone (including themselves) to high standards. They want to be the best and brightest, and they want to bring out the best and brightest in you, too. Leos seek a lavish lifestyle, but when it comes to relationships, they stay grounded and loyal.

With that being said, Leos can get upset when they aren’t at the center of attention. They’re fueled by drama, and if they can’t find it, they'll create it. They’ll cheer on a friend’s success, but may become jealous if they feel threatened. And if a Leo isn’t careful, their desire to live the good life can lead to shallow materialism.
Peridot, Leo’s Zodiac birthstone, is believed to attract success and good fortune, making it a great gemstone for fame-obsessed Leos. Its bright, shimmering green hue matches Leo’s dazzling personality. Peridot is also thought to repel feelings of envy. Wearing peridot will remind Leo that there’s room in the spotlight for everyone.
Virgo Birthstone
Practical Virgos like to live with a purpose. These high-achievers find nothing more satisfying than crossing items off their to-do lists. They bring fervent perfectionism and organization to any task. Even if a Virgo doesn’t appear organized to you, trust that they have a system in place which makes perfect sense to them. Virgos are analytical, gifted at taking in lots of information and somehow making sense of it all.

Virgo’s perfectionism can be a benefit or a drawback. If they fall short of their own exceptionally high standards, they feel like failures. Virgos tend to be introverted, which isn’t a bad thing. However, they can retreat too far into themselves, keeping their true thoughts and emotions hidden. Anxious Virgos are also prone to overthinking. When their minds are going a mile a minute, Virgos have trouble enjoying their day-to-day lives.
Velvety blue sapphires are Virgo’s Zodiac birthstone. Sapphires, considered the stone of wisdom, promote consciousness and clarity, enhancing Virgo’s intellectual gifts. On an emotional level, sapphire helps to inspire joy and release us from negative emotions. When a Virgo starts to ruminate, serene sapphires can pull them back to the present.

Libra Birthstone
Libras are represented by a set of scales, which makes sense, because they have many sides to keep in balance. Libra’s behaviors may seem so contradictory that it’s hard to get to know them, but as you spend more time with them, you begin to see that all aspects of their personality work together in harmony. Libras are aesthetic creatures, drawn to beauty in all its many forms. They’re also known for being diplomatic, making them great friends, partners and mediators. Libras will consider all sides of an issue before making a decision or forming an opinion.

Libra’s hunger for variety and adventure can cause restlessness and boredom. Despite their air of self-assurance, Libras struggle with insecurity, especially when they feel they aren’t achieving their own lofty goals. They are particularly sensitive to criticism, and will snap back if they feel attacked. Their diplomatic nature can get them into trouble, too. They are so averse to conflict that they’ll cave to other people’s desires just to avoid an argument.
The opal, Libra’s Zodiac birthstone, is just as colorful and multifaceted as your typical Libra. Because opal shimmers in every color of the rainbow, it is said to contain the properties of all other gemstones. Beauty-obsessed Libra will appreciate the opal’s stunning sparkle. This stone is also said to promote creativity and artistry, perfect for the stylish Libra.
Scorpio Birthstone
Perhaps the most misunderstood sign in the Zodiac, Scorpio is represented by (no surprise here) the scorpion. Scorpios are famous for their passionate nature. But just because they are fiery doesn’t mean they are impulsive. In fact, Scorpios are calculating, analytical individuals with an uncanny ability to seize upon opportunities at precisely the right time. They are enigmatic and can be difficult to get to know. But if you get on a Scorpio’s good side, you’ve earned yourself a friend for life. They are comfortable with the uncomfortable, fearless and refreshingly blunt.

All that intensity has its drawbacks, though. Scorpios view life through a rather bleak lens. They see a dog-eat-dog world, and tend to assume the worst of people. Distrustful Scorpios keep their walls up around everyone but their closest confidants. They dislike uncertainty and feel much better when they are in control. Unfortunately, they don’t always realize that they may be hurting others in their pursuit of power.
Citrine is Scorpio's Zodiac birthstone. It is thought to enhance success and personal power, two benefits perfect for the driven Scorpio. Citrine is also believed to bring joy to its wearer. Its sunny hue may promote a sunny disposition for Scorpios, who could use a touch of positivity in their lives!
Sagittarius Birthstone
Sagittarians, represented by the archer, are adaptable, thrill-seeking and charismatic. Filled with a lust for life, Sagittarians value experiences above material things. They hold firm to their own principles, but are always interested in hearing other people’s thoughts and opinions. Their boundless curiosity is matched by their optimism. When a Sagittarius finds something they like, whether it’s a career, a band, or a crush, they dive in headfirst. They are beloved for their larger-than-life personalities.
Sagittarius’ lust for life isn’t all fun and games. Though they’re passionate about their interests, they are easily distracted by the allure of something new. They may bounce from one project, job or relationship to another, always on the hunt for a novel experience. Sagittarians are also known to be brutally honest. With their flighty tendencies and critical nature, Sagittarians can have a hard time making friends.
Turquoise is the Zodiac birthstone for Sagittarius. It was once believed that turquoise would break or change colors to warn its wearer of impending danger. Sagittarius, always taking risks and trying new things, could use turquoise’s protective abilities. Thanks to its cheery color, turquoise is commonly associated with hope. Wearing turquoise may enhance Sagittarius’s sunny outlook on life. Turquoise is also thought to have its own vibrant flow of energy. When a Sagittarius feels restless, they can tap into turquoise’s energy to keep them from feeling stuck in place.

Capricorn Birthstone
Though they’re represented by the sign of the goat, Capricorns are the workhorses of the Zodiac. They organize their lives around specific goals–whether personal, social or professional–and pursue them relentlessly. As kids, Capricorns colored inside the lines and followed class rules to a tee. As adults, they’re responsible citizens, loyal friends and great employees.

A Capricorn’s hardworking nature has plenty of upsides, but it can also cause trouble. Capricorns take on too many responsibilities at once, leaving them stressed and overwhelmed. Cautious Capricorns also avoid taking risks in work, life and love, which can lead to missed opportunities and missed connections.
Capricorn’s birthstone, the garnet is considered an energizing stone which can revitalize the wearer’s energy. This makes it an ideal companion for the driven Capricorn. It is also believed to grant self-confidence, which may give Capricorns the reassurance they need to break their routines and take chances.
Aquarius Birthstone
Mysterious Aquarians are full of surprises. Never comfortable with complacency, an Aquarius is always challenging rules and expectations, questioning the status quo and envisioning a better future. Aquarians are humanitarians and philosophers, artists and experimenters. They don’t always fit in, but they’re proud to stand out.

Aquarians value independence and knowledge above all else. This hunger for new experiences and ideas can make life exciting, but it has its downsides. Aquarians may have trouble sticking with one job, one relationship, or one life path for too long. Their idealism can also get them into trouble: they are so sure of their own beliefs that they can be close-minded. This can lead to arguments and even harm an Aquarian's relationships.
Calming amethyst can help soften an Aquarius’s sharp edges while promoting their many good qualities. It is believed to lessen anxiety and heal the spirit, a powerful combination perfect for the Aquarian’s restless mind. Amethyst is also associated with clarity and insight, two qualities that the intellectual Aquarius will appreciate.
Pisces Birthstone
A Pisces wears their heart on their sleeve. They’re not afraid to be emotional, and they’re not afraid of other people’s emotions, either. You could call Pisces the therapist of the Zodiac. The typical Pisces has a compassionate heart, a strong sense of intuition and a whole lot of patience. They are lovers, dreamers and artists at heart.

For all of Pisces’ good qualities, they deal with serious insecurities. They are such people-pleasers that they have a hard time standing up for themselves. Pisces can get so invested in bettering the lives of others that they struggle to form their own identities. And as true romantics, Pisces can have a hard time standing on their own two feet.
Pisces’ symbol is a fish, and Pisces’ Zodiac birthstone has its own ties to the sea. Named for the color of ocean water, aquamarine was once thought to calm the waves. Now, it is associated with inner peace. Some believe it can balance the mood, making it the ideal gemstone to soothe Pisces’ turbulent emotions. It is also said to aid in communication. Whether Pisces needs to establish boundaries or express their true feelings, aquamarine can help.
Find Your Zodiac Birthstone At Noe’s Jewelers Near Kansas City, Missouri!
Now that you know more about your Zodiac birthstone and its potential benefits for you, you’re probably itching to get your hands on some birthstone jewelry. Luckily for you, we have plenty in stock here at Noe’s Jewelry in Raymore, Missouri.
So if you live in the Kansas City area, stop by the store to explore our collection. And if you live elsewhere, please feel free to check out our birthstone jewelry collection online! If you’re interested in learning more about each gemstone and some gemstone jewelry trends, you can also check out our gemstone jewelry blog here.
Zodiac Birthstone Chart
This chart shows all of the Zodiac birthstones. Feel free to save it and share it with a friend!