The Internet is a vast and astonishing resource of information that exists right at our fingertips. No longer is making the perfect brioche or using mosaic to cover a tabletop some sort of mysterious art form. Plenty of "Do It Yourself" guides exist for just about everything you might want to learn how to do!
Is there any moment more iconic than the one where a woman shows off her new engagement ring to her friends and family? The shared "squee" over a shiny new engagement ring is just as big a part of modern marriage culture as the cake, the dress, and the family dancing to "Love Shack" during the reception. That's why engagement rings, be they vintage, estate, or new, are universally shiny, bright, and eye-catching!
The 1960s and 70s were two decades with their own very distinct fashion. Both decades shared a love of bright colors, bell-bottoms, and wild patterns, but the 1960s were all about the flowing lines, whereas the 1970s were dedicated to geometric patterns. And just like the music and the movies, the jewelry trends of those decades are also iconic!
Jewelry is so iconic, so eye-catching, so integral to the human experience that of course it shows up in our television shows, novels, and, of course, films. There is an amazing number of iconic pieces of jewelry from movies that just about everyone would recognize by sight, some because they're exquisitely lovely and others because they have a sense of mystery about them or some sort of fictional power. Read on and find out some of the Noe's staff's favorites!
It can feel challenging to find great gifts for Father's Day, especially when your dad has enough neckties and already drinks his coffee out of that "World's Greatest Dad" mug. It's always tough to buy clothes, and last year you got him a new set of grilling tools. A nice bottle of wine or beer won't last for long, and technology is the same way. So, what on earth can you get your father that will be a daily reminder of how much you care for him?
You know what they say… when you get married, you need something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Well, here at Noe's Jewelry in Kansas City, we can help you with all of that. Need something old? Check out our selection of vintage and antique jewelry! If you need something new, well, we have you covered there, too. We carry all the latest styles of fine jewelry in Kansas City. Something blue we have, too, whether it's sapphire earrings or aquamarine necklaces. But today, we want to talk about how we can help you with that "something borrowed" part, too.
As the pace of everyday life speeds up, it seems like more and more of our days slip by without us noticing them. We eat breakfast on the go, take meetings in our cars. We're always being pulled this way and that, whether it's by kids, work, school, or, most commonly of all, technology. While it's great that smart phones, text messaging, and email have made it so easy for us to stay connected to the people we love, these things also make it possible to always be connected to work, social media, and the news. It takes up so much of our energy that sometimes it can come as a shock when we turn off our phones or our TVs at the end of the day, actually sit down to eat a meal with someone, or just go to sleep!
Have you ever heard the term "lab-grown" or "lab-created" diamond or perhaps "engineered" or "cultured" diamond? These are terms that have been around since the 1950s, when the science was in its infancy. Back then, lab-grown diamonds were manufactured for commercial purposes such as making drill bits. They weren't intended for wearing. But these days, scientists have refined and perfected the process of creating diamonds in the laboratory. These lab-grown diamonds aren't cubic zirconia. They're virtually indistinguishable from natural diamonds. They possess the same beauty, luster, carats, cut, color and clarity of natural diamonds, but they are vastly more affordable.
Throughout history, mankind (and womankind!) has loved jewelry. The allure of its shine and sparkle bewitches us. Legends grow up around particularly famous or beautiful pieces of jewelry—we can't help but talk about our favorite gems and jewels. So, if you're curious about what famous people throughout history have had to say about diamonds (other than them being a girl's best friend), read on. Maybe you'll find the perfect quote to accompany whatever you're buying your lucky lady this Valentine's Day!
It's never too early to start thinking about Valentine's Day. For people in love, February 14th is just as big a holiday as Christmas—if not bigger! After all, at Christmas, your time is divided between your family, your friends, your company, and the organizations you volunteer for. Valentine's Day is just about celebrating what makes the two of you work.
Accidents happen. That's just the truth of the matter. Sure, it's annoying to drop your new iPhone 7 on your kitchen tile, or overcorrect as you drive down your snowy driveway and plow into your mailbox, but there are solutions to every mishap. Even if you accidentally lose your BFF's glittery jacket after dancing all night at the club, you can get her something nice to make up for it. Things are just things, after all. So, if you accidentally damage one of your favorite pieces of jewelry, know that you can get high-quality jewelry repair in Kansas City and fix whatever life throws your way. In fact, you may feel that after the repair it looks even better than before, making a totally normal mishap into a "happy accident."
The holiday season brings out the sparkle in just about everything. Outside, snow shimmers on tree boughs and the icicles gleam; inside, your Christmas tree shimmers with colorful lights, tinsel, and ornaments that reflect cozy firelight, and your menorah is ablaze with lights! Even our favorite holiday foods seem to give off an extra little shine, whether it's the sugar on your sufganiyot or the icing on your gingerbread people. The extra glow over everything makes the season feel so merry and festive and delightful, whether you're hanging around your home or out at a party. On which note, parties are an especially great time to show off a little sparkle yourself by donning your favorite shiny jewelry items. But is your jewelry as bright as it could be? If you haven't had your rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings cleaned recently, they might not catch all the extra light as well as they could.
It's said that you can tell a lot about a man when you look at his shoes and his watch. Well, that may or may not be true these days, given the trend toward casual dress in some of the top tech offices, but that doesn't mean men's watches aren't still fascinating and personal items. Like any other fashion item, watches have changed a lot over time. Here at Noe's, we feature lots of luxury watches in Kansas City, but we're also fascinated by the changing trends watches have seen over time. So, let's take a journey from the past into the present and look at some of the great watches men have sported from the 19th century to today.
Here at Noe's we really do see jewelry as wearable art. Every piece of jewelry you have in your collection took a great deal of planning and skilled craftsmanship to create. But did you know that many famous fine artists have actually tried their hand at designing jewelry, too? That's right, sculptors, painters, and other sorts of artists whose works can be found in museums all over the world also felt the need to work with beautiful gems and precious metals—not just paint, canvas, bronze, and marble.
Dressing for a job interview can be a nerve-wracking experience. Thankfully there's a lot of advice out there concerning what sorts of outfits make the best impression on potential employers. A quick Google search will reveal countless custom-tailored suggestions for just about anyone hoping to land a job in just about any profession, but there are a few commonalities out there. One is to always dress as if you already have the job. Another is that it's crucial to come across as polished, confident, professional, and put-together.
When people say they love to travel, they rarely mean that they love to pack. Yes, packing is one of those things that always causes a bit of stress, even for veteran travelers. It always brings up questions like… What all should I bring to make sure I'm able to dress for all weathers? What will I need for various events and scenarios? What containers will best protect my toiletries from exploding all over my clothing? And also: Is it alright to travel with my jewelry, and what is the safest way to do so? Well, here at Noe's Jewelry in Raymore, Missouri, we're not sure what weather you'll encounter on your next trip, whether you're headed to a business conference in a big city or a fantastic beach vacation somewhere… but we are in a good position to advise you on the best ways to pack your jewelry for your trip.
Celebrities are trendsetters, there's no doubt about that. From haircuts to red carpet looks to makeup to casual style, what celebrities wear influences what we wear. Remember the 90s, when everyone either had Jennifer Aniston's iconic long, highlighted layers or Winona Ryder's pixie? Or the early 2000s midriff-baring, cowgirl-next-door chic inspired by Lindsay Lohan? Yes, of course you do! These sorts of trends stick in our minds, and often endure—pixie cuts are still cute, after all, as are cute jeans with a thin, checkered shirt.
The popularity of TV shows like Antiques Roadshow, Storage Wars, and other "treasure finding" programs speaks to our love of all things collectable from the past, be they our aunt's fascinating collection of vintage farming tools, grandpa's extensive hoard of antique duck decoys, or a curious old-fashioned piece of furniture. Collections such as those need extensive space to house or display them, but people also collect smaller things. You know, like old jewelry, especially vintage pieces that are sweet reminders of their previous owners, or that speak to the glamour and glitz of bygone ages.
There's nothing more dazzling or classic than a diamond bracelet. They go with anything, from casual athletic wear to the slinkiest little black dress. A single strand of diamonds encircles the wrist like nothing else—it's an essential accessory that evokes modern simplicity and mid-century opulence all in one. A diamond bracelet is a treasure you can wear, and like diamond stud earrings, it's the perfect accessory for anyone who loves jewelry.
Hot summer days are best cooled down by a trip to the beach or the pool. But while most people know to take along a bathing suit, towel, and oh-so-crucial sunscreen, many don't know what to do about their jewelry. Sure, hoop earrings and glitzy necklaces might look great with a bathing suit—we see that sort of thing in movies all the time. But as to whether it's a good idea to wear your precious jewelry to the beach, the answer depends on your own answers to a few questions.
It's a universal truth that boxes fascinate people. For children, a large packing box is full of possibilities and intrigue—it can become a spaceship, a tank, or a pirate's treasure chest! As teens, we keep our secrets hidden away in little tins full of notes, trinkets, and charms. And as we grow up and start to acquire lovely jewelry, it's nice to have a special, dedicated place to store it—and showcase it, too. A jewelry box may not be as glamorous (or as wearable!) as nice jewelry, but it is the same sort of gift that keeps on giving.